Meditation Mastery, Vol. 3: Empty Mind Meditation – $2.50

What is Empty Mind Meditation? The more one practices meditation the higher the level of meditation one can achieve. Moreover, there are various methods of meditation which one can learn to further one’s journey deep into one’s inner being. In this ebook, the primary concern is to lay down and explain one of the most useful methods of meditation — the Empty Mind Meditation — which could greatly enhance your meditation experience and lead you to a deeper spiritual experience.
Empty Mind Meditation is a meditation technique in which the mind is gradually emptied of all thoughts which interfere in the process of meditation. Buddhists call this method Vipassana or Anapanasati. It is easy to say that the main purpose of meditation is to attune oneself to the universal energy via total emptiness of the mind from thoughts; yet, achieving this state of mind sometimes entails a lifelong endeavor. Buddhists and Christian monks often engage in an entire life of striving to achieve total detachment, coupled with dedicated and disciplined practices to attain this desired state of mind in which unnecessary thoughts completely disappear from the mind during meditation.
In the ancient times, spiritual greats had used the Empty Mind method to attain enlightenment. Buddha, for example, under the banyan tree, attained enlightenment while using the method of Empty Mind. Jesus engages in Empty Mind Meditation at Mount Tabor and Gethsemane to achieve total emptiness of his mind and will. Great Hindu Mystics were often seen engaged in Empty Mind Meditation in the Himalayan Caves, in Ganges River, and in their favorite nook striving to achieve the total emptiness of mind from unnecessary human thoughts. Great Mystics of the Christian Church likewise engaged in deep spiritual meditation using Empty Mind Meditation Technique to free themselves from selfish thoughts which interfere in their ascend to a higher level of spirituality. This only shows that this technique is as ancient and as new as the Great Religions of the World.
The reason why “Empty Mind Meditation” is commonly used lies in the fact that the ultimate purpose of meditation is to attune oneself to the universal will by emptying oneself of the “ego” or the self. The mind is a powerful tool which sometimes hinders us from achieving the inner peace which we all seek. The mind works frantically every second creating and producing myriads of thoughts which hinder us from really achieving the relaxed state which is ideal for meditation. Our thoughts embody our very own self and we are what we repeatedly think about most. We are in fact the products of our own thoughts. For this reason, the goal of meditation is to empty our minds of all these thoughts to gain the ultimate experience of the “Ground of Being” or the “Tao” (God).
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